Decentralized cooperation: (CEMEA )

Schedule: October 2013 to October 2016
Location: Tunisia, Gafsa and France, Nantes

Mash'hed enrolled in the decentralized cooperation project taken up by the Region Pays de La Loire and the governorate of Gafsa to the common objectives.
Two major partnerships are based on this framework, the first being with CEMEA PDLL.

 CEMEA Pays de La Loire:

 The idea is to first deal with several themes in a cultural setting: street cultures, women's cultures, youth cultures ... To make live a culture of sharing. In this context, Mash'hed has already made dozens of artistic actions, or social solidarity since its inception.

The principle of Mash'hed is also to make networking between associations of Gafsa. This is to bring together young people in a center to work in a non-bureaucratic way, horizontal and train young people to their rights. No president or leaders, it is the will of everyone that premium. This is probably the first time in Gafsa that people are trying to create an alternative cultural center held 90% by volunteers.

The project is built on two developed dynamic: a dynamic training and momentum for action. The round trip between training and action is essential: the training is based on the practice of joint actions, which are in turn fed by the work done during training times. We have identified two areas for our action in the framework of this cooperation: the field of community life and the animation field. The two selected areas allow us to build on the own resources Ceméa Loire and Mash'hed, who now possess considerable teaching experience and are therefore able to offer training spaces and exchanges quality based on a wide and diverse militant network.

Target Audience: Youth Gafsa.

- Working around delamobilitédesjeunes.
- Strengthen the structure of community life.
- Create the non-formal education structure.
- Creating training structure on different fields (formal, non-formal, social work, early childhood ...).
-To Strengthen the capacities of young professionals civil society Gafsa.
-Ensure A mutual exchange of expertise between the two sides.
-Create A territorial dynamic and consultation.

-Region Pays de La Loire.
-Gouvernorat Gafsa.
-Accoord Nantes Nord
-Solidarity Lay.
-Institut French Tunis.
-French Development Agency.
-France Volunteer.