• CLUB ِCinéma « HOMME » 

    Ce projet est une initiative de Mashhed pour présenter les droits de l’Homme dans une approche cinématographique.

    Une vision innovatrice dans le but d’instaurer une culture d’Art alternative.

  • Centre Possible

    Ce centre s’insère dans la logique d’action de l’association Mash’hed qui est le renforcement de l’engagement des jeunes dans la vie sociale et la société civile.

    Promouvoir les notions de la créativité, de l’initiative et de l’engagement.

  • Art de rue

    Les participants se sont défoulés dans un environnement plein de créativité, de partage et de respect.

    Encourager les jeunes à exprimer librement leurs idées, à travers les moyens artistiques.

Labor Day

Schedule: May 1, 2012

Location: Primary school Ahmed Doula

Description: Among the concepts and values ​​that Mash'hed aims to promote , those of work, initiative and determination, among the youth and the new generations.

In this context, a primary school in the region of Elksar, was selected to work with young students in cleaning and decorating their school.

The morning edition was a platform for the students and a group of teachers, as well as works of paintings by children on the front of their school.

The evening edition was dedicated to the screening of two films, in a popular neighborhood, a vision that is part of the promotion of street art and the
development of culture in popular places.

The exposed films were produced by the Mashhed association; "Hak Fi Kelmtin Wledna Win" and "Majbour Nekhdem". These two films were shot on the occasion of
Labor Day.

The exhibition was followed by a debate which has sought the participation of everyone.

Target group: Students of primary school Ahmed Doula and locals popular area.


To promote the values ​​of hard work, commitment and initiative.

To promote culture in popular circles.

Sensitize students to the importance of artistic expressions.

-To Strengthen the relationship between students and teachers.


Primary -Ecole Ahmed Doula.
Renewable Theatre -Association .
-Municipalité Of ElKsar.




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Bureau A2, Immeuble RJAB
Cité Ennour, Gafsa 2123